Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Unfulfilled long run and managing pain

I had to stop two kilometres into my [Coast Trail] run; my legs simply were not responding. I thought that stretching will help but it did not. Concern become agony and despair, I did not feel anger but dissapointment. In the face of defeat, I turned back, I even tried to make movements to run and my legs were not cooperating. The reality was that my leg muscles need the rest (is that beause I dont strech long enough?).

Anyway to cut a long story short, I was walking when I saw the runners from the Sandy Bay HM marathon and that inspired me to run, which I started to do at a slow pace and kept going despite the heavy rain. I am glad I persisted because apart from learning to manage pain, I am learning to manage my determination to attain my goal. That on its own merit is a huge bonus.

I then decided to continue running to the end of the Sandy Bay HM and to my surprise I saw people I knew who were watching members of their family competing. I stopped to say hi and a quick chat and then I had enough stamina to keep going and I run at a good pace.

So in the face of defeat (my goal for today was to complete a 30kms run) I learnt to deal with the prospect of months and months of training coming to a miserable stop. My determination will see me through. There are certain elements for which I have to pay attention inc oming weeks: diet, drinking more water, stretching and motivation.

At the end I run for about one and a half hours (short of the scheduled 2.3ohrs) - combining slow, very slow and fast pace... I did not check for distance just glad I was glad to do the run.

First thing tomorrow is a call to the physio to make an appointment to treat those uncooperative legs.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...