Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Running vanalities and finishing the month on a positive note

In a nutshell, life activities have been hectic in recent days and weeks. It is with nostalgia I recall running thrice a week during winter time - that was not long ago! This week so far I only run on Sunday and Tuesday.

I am yet to decide whether I will do the FM or HM this October. Decision time is next week. Event day will be the reward itself of many months of preparation, agony and ecstasy. There have been many gains and, whilst running is not on the top of my list of activities, it is one that I now treasure and value with dear esteem. I am sure i will continue building on long distance runs for years to come.

Work commitments and other vagaries of life prevent me from running more often as I would like to, but I shall persist.

I finish the month of August with a total of 96 kms... not a bad effort after all.

If everything goes according to plan, this Sunday's run should be 30 kms in total distance. I look for that challenge and for catching up with friends at breakfast time (some will be cycling and one/two will join me in the run).

Someone suggested me to engage a sports counsellor to work with me on the motivation factor and race strategy so I can prepare myself for what is ahead. I think I will take a few people out to lunch to a) get tips / build tactics / develop scenarios, b) cheer me up and c) boost my running insecurities ...

One of my favourite sayings is... Life is like a fruit salad. It is like that indeed.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...