Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Monday, August 07, 2006

That's Life!

This is going to be a hard week to do any running - I will try to fit it into all the myriad of things I have to do. Whilst the weather has been superb, I feel a bit restrained by my knee but I am tryng to stretch it as often as I remember. Key lesson is to stretch well after each run.

The beauty of wondering around the city at lunch time is that one is tempted by the sale sign. I went past into a store that stocks my favourite label (PS) and purchased a shirt that makes a statement, one with 'presence'... It's not the sort of shirt one I was after, but hey! when there's a bargain there is always a keen shopper. This shirt's not out there as much as some others. Red wine and parsley patterns, with embroidery.


Twenty one years ago it was a question of Quebec or Melbourne. Decisions, decisions. When I told mum and dad that Melbourne would be my new home they were rather shocked. Je suis desole. That's the advantage of neutral countries (in this instance, Panama) to alliviate disapointment.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...