Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

A run with pain and persistence

This week: 34
Total August: 94 kms

This is a quick post ... I run around The Tan yesterday evening. Two laps, commencing from near the 3km post. I was looking forward to the run because I intended to do some sprint work, but unfortunately that did not materialise because my legs were not responding. I usually enjoy going up the hill in Anderson St and for the first time I literally struggled my way up on the first lap but for the second I felt much better and picked up pace.

Yesterday's run was what I would describe is the pain I shall experience on the day of the Marathon. I imagine that pain will persist from around kilometre 33km. So at the end, yesterday's session was focused around managing pain! I persisted on the run and even managed to finish with a sprint. My running partner, who is not preparing for long distance run, outpaced me on the sprint. So we had agreed that he will work to push me on the sprint.

The interesting thing about the run was that I am learning to focus on different things to keep me going and manage what is happening at that right moment... so I am beginning to notice differences in each session and learning from what is occurring and adjust accordingly.

About food... After a year withouth going to the Perl Hur (Elwood) I dined there last night and the duck wraps were excellent. That is a brand dish from this modern Asian restaurant in Bayside. I highly recommend a visit.

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