Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

A run of peace and enjoyment

This week: 32
Total August: 60 kms

What a nice run I had today... two good laps around The Tan, which not only brought me peace but inner enjoyment. This is paradoxical, because on the one hand I say I dont like the running, I enjoy the challenge, but on the other hand I struggle to keep going - often thinking of quitting. I suppose this is the beauty, learning to be disciplined. Godness me... I am persisting..!

I started to run near the 3km mark, because that was where I parked my vehicle after leaving work close to 6pm. (I would like to know why turning into St Kilda Road from Flinders is such a nightmare... surely there could be an underpass/overpass!). There were plenty of people running and, surely lots of them following their program, particularly those running in groups.

I accomplished first lap in about 18 mins and the second one in less than that, allowing for a quick bush search and the regulatory drinking stops. Right at this moment I cannot recall whether I run 8 or 10 kms... but let's leave it at 8, people the extra bit should not count. Although I enjoyed the sprinting for the last kilometre... I found it rewarding. The slow down was a gentle run and a fast brisk walk.

My Sunday post attracted interest of those who personally know me... they were intrigued who/what I was referring to. The beauty of all is the ability for everyone to have their own interpretation. That fulfills a dream and keeps an interest growing. That morning the words just came out. Many years ago I wrote a poem back in Panama, whilst I was visiting this country, about the passing of time and seasons and, how we old grow up old... I cant recall the poem right now, but it was one it came out without thinking.

Sometimes there are things you wish to happen in life... right now, it is a very good time for me - wonderful inner peace (although I wish someone will take away something I need to look into). I am progressing in my goal to train for a marathon, whilst it feels closer I am not in a rush to do it. Still unsure whether HM or full marathon for October. I will test myself this coming Sunday for another crack at the 30kms distance.

As I am driven by events (rathe unusual for an outcomes oriented person), there are things now behind, history. The running has been a pivotal in this process. Building on the long distance has been a marvellous experience.... yet running is not the focus of my life.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...