Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Sticking to the plan despite the adversity

Ahhh! Another visit to the physio; twice this week. The pain in the lower legs persist and I have started to take a stronger anti-inflammatory which required a visit to the medical centre so I could get a prescription. I received another massage, yes, one of those that are so deep in the muscles and once feels the tissues and you either have the choice to scream loudly or moan like there is no tomorrow. I followed Sharon's (an Ausrunner) suggestion to wear my bispectales rather than contact lenses...

This morning the pain in my right leg was so tenuous that I started to feel like stopping training. I struggled to understand how after seven months of preparation could be jeopardised right at this moment - four weeks before the big event I have nurtured all this time. I had a flash back when I started this blog (first item published on April 28) thanks to the inspiration drawn from Em - another Ausrunner. After today's visit to the physio I gained some confidence that I will be at the starting lane. I will get a new pair of runners this weekend so I can rule out any possible cause of the problem I am experiencing.

Let's put it this way, the physio I am visiting is encouranging me to continue training and visiting him. A typical supply-demand case. I suppose it works both ways.

I bought energy gel for the first time today and I shall give it a go this week-end when I attempt to run a long distance. I am hopeful that this time I shall have better luck in covering distance, unlike last week-end.

An another thing... somehow I have milked sympathy at work this week - so many people have been so encouraging and that on its own is very impressive. I feel like I have to honour a public commintment all in the pursuit of a personal goal. Marvellous really!

That's all folks!

Ps - I just worked it out how to link; so from now on expect me to provide links to other sources, where appropriate and where credit is due.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...