Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Runner without his [work] clothes...

The highlight of this week has been my visit to the physio and the painful massage - but no pain no gain. Let's put things in perspective, this morning I hit the running track with a work colleague at 7.30 am and we did one lap around The Tan and then we sprinted three times up the hill... oh! gosh... that was a hard work, but I survived. I did not mind having to bear the pain because I knew that after breakfast I will be taking an anti-inflammatory.

Friday morning I will go to the physio and I hope I will be able to do a good run this Sunday - keep my fingers crossed.

I had today an embarrassing situation... I left my work clothes at home! I had put all my stuff in my car last night and my running partner rang to say she was coming to pick me up... so I got everything else but not clothes. After the run i went to the shower room at work and realised had no shirt and suit to wear, fortunately i had a spare 3/4 shorts and a t-shirt, so all day I wore such clothes... everyone in my office was amused. Believe it or not but my productivity was higher - I felt relaxed all day long. As a typical boy, I milked the situation to my advantage - I turned a negative into a positive and, fortunately no one played a funny joke on my today.

I will book a massage for early next ... I discover there is a masseur not far away from my house... a beaut!

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...