Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Should there be a dog/owners' lane?

Today: 16 kms
Month: 79 kms

This morning I had an enjoyable run, along the Coast Path, covering Brighton and Sandrigham. Gaby and I ran along North Road and discussed how things may evolve on October 8.... this morning was sunny and we felt the heaaaaat and wondered if the same weather will persist in three week's time.

We started our run slowly, chatted about life and other things that matter a bit less, and progressively picked up pace. We stopped a couple of times to do stretches. We are both recovering from injuries so we felt important we paid attention to our bodies. There were lots of people running around and many runners were surely doing their training for the MM. In our way back we did not go through the bush path but stayed on the same pedestrian path and we ended up meeting with Arie who was cycling to Ricketts Point. We also stopped at the Brighton Baths and did not see any of the regular folks so we run back home.

In the section between Brighton Paths and North Road there were so many dogs and their owners... and guess what... we NEED A LANE DEDICATED TO DOG OWNERS so we keep them out of runners' way. We were forced to stop three times because the bloody dogs were coming in front of us. (Should dog owner leashes be that l-o-n-g?) I understand it is spring time but we have to keep the dog owners on their leashes. When you have been running for a while and you are forced to stop because of an obstacle your legs hurt, besides one loses rhythm and wastes time. As a runner we need to keep out of cyclists and other pedestrians - so why dog owners don't do the same and everyone can live peaceful existence...? Comprende!? Capish!?

After the run, we went to the Beachcombe, St Kilda Pier. The group comprised Arie, Gaby, Richard and I, plus two other joined in for a cup of coffee... About the place: Breakfast serves were big and tasty but coffee was rather average. Coffee served cold. Points given for bringing iced water with lemon!

This week promises to be a big in running:
- Monday: Run with Alexis and Gabo... they need to decide if they are ready for the MM or HM.
- Tuesday: The usual tan run
- Thursday: Morning run at TheTan again
then the usual Sunday run... this one should be gentle run.

It is also a big work week... presentations to deliver and prepare reports and spend time scoping new projects. Aggggh!

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