Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Life is hectic but thinking of the running - Gathering thoughts for the long run

G-e-e-e! Life has been hectic (too many commitments and not enough reasonable hours in the day). Am I the only dumb one to take too many things on in one single week?

I ran last Thursday morning and until now I have a moment to reflect on the run. Just before 7am I received a txt msg asking whether i was running with one of my work colleagues... We had agreed that Thursday AM will be our time for a run at The Tan. So I said yes and in a matter of five minutes I got organised and out of the house to collect Emma. We only ran one lap around The Tan. My legs were not responding and I still had pain in my lower legs.

To cut a long story short, my legs were hurting for most of Thursday but since then they have felt much better - they still feel tense but not as much as for the past fornight. I am returning to see the physio on Monday morning - had to cancel my Friday appointment due to other work commitments.

I am hopeful to run tomorrow with Gabo for about 20kms around the Coastal Path... this has been our regular running track for the past two months. It is nice to see the water and the ships from the distance, specially this is so nice those days when there is not much wind. The tranquility of the water and the fact that one is within the city but having that bush atmosphere is simply comforting.

This week I ran a total of 42 kms. I suppose this is half what many of the serious runners will do in a normal week. Hopefully in coming days I will be able to run a bit more often.

I am beginning to find boring eating too much pasta. I may have to diversify my cooking pasta repertoire / habits... any new and interesting recipes, please email me... (no Donna Hays, thanks).

One helpful thing about the running is that it has been such a magnificent stress reliever and has helped me to sort out my thoughts on a number of different things. The long runs have been particularly good to deal with dilemmas... but a trap is that one can get into that dream mood - dangerous but excillating.

Ps - A huge thanks to all those who alerted me about the meaning of stubborness... After all I am one. I suppose when one has had a life surrounded by risk and life changing situations, adaptability is just a natural state. Not so for others.

One wonders if life should stay perennially the same in order to strive in life. A challenge is always estimulating to evolve as a human being.

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