Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Illusions no more... it's a reality

Extra - Dog Collision!

I feel like a child … I am very excited for what is ahead. Today, in two weeks time is the big day, MM. I am beginning the mental preparation for what is coming. I have not had the optimal preparation (I am only running three times peer week) and have been running since March. I have made compromises and varied commitments (at some cost), but it has been a wonderful journey. I have come along way since March when I was used to running 5-8 kms to now, able to tackle 30kms in one go. So at the end of the day the END destination is important but the journey itself has been a wonderful experience. So if I make it all the way to the Arts Centre that is a huge gain.

This morning, I run with Gaby from Elwood Canal (Glenhuntly Rd) to Half Moon Bay and back to Elwood. We started at 6.50am when there was not much wind, but there was so much humidity. After stretching for some time we started a slow run and in no time (it felt that way) we made it to the Brighton Baths and continued along the Coast Path – hardly anyone was around at that time. We continued our run through the bushes enjoying the tranquillity and the sound of the sea… We talked a bit but mainly concentrated on our own challenges and managing our pains – Gabi feeling tired and me still having lower leg troubles, nonetheless we made it past Sandringham feeling upbeat. We left the Coast Path and continued on the main path until Half Moon Bay and started to head back to Elwood.

Again today I had another dog experience…. @#$%! Yes, another ******* encounter with a dog (a big one this time, mind you). The owner was distracted and the thing was running loose in the bush and we collided and had to jump so much to avoid me falling over the dog. The thing is all of this happened so suddenly and in a section where visibility was pretty much restricted to two metres. Years ago I was bitten by a dog cycling along Collingwood and required to undergo treatment.

The wind got stronger as we approached Sandringham and certainly helped us to make it to Half Moon Bay. However in our way back, from Bay Street, Brighton to Elwood we simply had to work so far to stay on course… we were running against the wind and had to work very hard to continue. We finally made it back to Glenhuntly Road, feeling satisfied that we run over two hours.

The illusion of the MM is no longer there as it is all becoming a reality. It is the outcome of many months of preparation.

Now… off to Lancefield. I am searching for a sideboard table and bedside tables (French provincial style). Like in anything in life, I know exactly the one I want, it is just a matter of finding it.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...