Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

101 things about me...

  1. I was born prematurely (6months, 3weeks).
  2. I have hazel eyes.
  3. I have fair skin and have freckles in my face.
  4. I cut my hair short now to hide the fact that I have grey hair
  5. I am the fifth out of six children (4 boys, 2 girls).
  6. I had a happy childhood and I have very fond memories growing up.
  7. My favourite colour is blue although I like green.
  8. I enjoy holidays on the beach and I enjoy bushwalking.
  9. I used to be a student leader – primary through senior school. I was involved with the Boys Scout and Red Cross (These activities saved me a few times when I got into trouble).
  10. I organised a student strike and took over my college.
  11. I smoked once with friends when I was 8 and did not like it. Never smoked ever since.
  12. I had a great time at school. I used to play all sports and did theatre and chased girls.
  13. I like to dress well. Paul Smith is my favourite label.
  14. I don’t have tattoos – don’t mind if others do.
  15. I have funny toes. This brings me to the next: I am ticklish.
  16. I respect people and accept them the way they are. Don’t question their values and integrity.
  17. I have a strong sense of who I am. I am very happy with myself and of my achievement.
  18. I was told to leave my home country – forced into exile. I lived in exile for seventeen years before returning to my home country, G*.
  19. I have always wanted to live in Spain or France.
  20. I will go and live in Europe sometime in the future.
  21. I have lived in different countries and open to the idea of moving again - anywhere.
  22. Spanish is my native tongue – I would love to learn to speak French (handy when I get a job in Paris). I understand Italian.
  23. I love poetry and reading good fiction book– although I don’t have much time these days.
  24. I can’t remember when I got drunk for the first time – it certainly was around Year 9. Some friends and I used to go and have a few beers at a bar not far from school. One of our teachers sometimes joined us.
  25. I had my first girlfriend when I was 11.
  26. I am romantic; a dreamer; I am a caring person.
  27. I moved to Australia in the mid 1980s. I originally planned to go and live in Quebec (I would be a French speaker now!).
  28. When I told my parents I was going to live in Australia they were stunned. We knew more about NZ than Australia at that time (due to NZ’ opposition to nuclear weapons).
  29. The Herald Sun published a story about me years ago and I said I wanted to be involved in politics – I am glad I have stayed out of it. Politics almost killed me and destroyed family life, as we knew it then.
  30. I did not speak any English when I first arrived in Australia.
  31. I studied journalism and worked as a foreign correspondent for various media organisations in Latin America.
  32. I studied sociology and political science at uni. I hold a BA and MA in social research.
  33. I have a very good group of friends; I make friends easily.
  34. People say I am very friendly and intuitive. I usually know how people are before I get to know them well.
  35. I am divorced. That will be another list of one hundred things on its own.
  36. I have three of the most gorgeous and well-adapted children.
  37. I have joint custody of the children.
  38. I have fulfilled many of my childhood ambitions. I have others in train now.
  39. I am very happy with life. Feel blessed I have had a very adventurous and challenging life.
  40. I like to stay active; I am an outdoors person.
  41. I am an independent thinker.
    I have lived in Australia for the past 21 years and have gone abroad 19 times during that time, combining work and pleasure.
  42. I am Leo. I am confident and have learnt to be a humble person (it was a great survival tool).
  43. One of my brothers was kidnapped 24 years ago and he has not been found. This is one of the reasons I left my home country.
  44. I always wanted to run long distance but thought I could never do it. So this October I am attempting my first marathon.
  45. I hate running but I have convinced myself that I enjoy long distance.
  46. I enjoy cooking and trying new things.
  47. I am going to start lesson paintings after the marathon.
  48. I enjoy red wine – Pinot Noir is my favourite. Although a good vintage Cab or Shiraz is not to be missed.
  49. I worry about things.
  50. I am used to deal with uncertainty and thrive in difficult times.
  51. I am a very resilient person – this fact helped me a lot during the separation process.
  52. One day I will make a film about growing up and the revolution and about friends.
  53. I always wanted to have a book published by the age of 25 but missed the deadline. Then I shifted to 30 and missed it again. Although I have co authored papers with others for several journals.
  54. I am now starting the process to write about my life experiences. This is part of the journey.
  55. I go to work by train. I work in the city and live bayside.
  56. I enjoy going to wineries and trying new wines.
  57. I don’t have pets at home – I would not mind getting a dog sometime in the future.
  58. I don’t play an instrument although I wish I learnt to play guitar or violin.
  59. I am a cheeky person. People tell me I am a teaser.
  60. I don’t tell too many jokes because I often forget the punch line.
  61. I like spontaneity.
  62. I eat anything even brussell sprouts.
  63. Drink one to two glasses of water first thing in the morning, followed by muesli and fruit. I have been doing this for years and years.
  64. One of my secondary school teachers jokingly used to say that I was a terrorist. I never liked that joke.
  65. I am enjoying being in my 40s more than in my 30s, I certainly enjoyed my 20s. My teen years full of activities and I felt like I could conquer the world!
  66. My 20s were very challenging and rewarding times – so were my 30s but loaded with stress.
  67. I have done my share of stupid things in life – I could make a long list.
  68. I am a dreamer; if it has not come cross yet – I repeat it again: I am a dreamer.
  69. At the age of 21 I had written a book of poetry but I was too shy to get it published.
  70. I am a very skinny person. Everyone tells me to eat more and put some weight on. I don’t like when people tell me that.
  71. Every time I have tried to put on weight it has not worked.
  72. I am a very tolerant person – I believe in people and give them a bloody good go.
  73. I don’t dwell on the past – I look forward to tomorrow and to the future.
  74. My wine collection was stolen last year from my garage; the insurance company paid money back.
  75. I lose interest in things quickly.
  76. I am an outcomes oriented person. Running has helped me with learning about process rather than focusing on outcomes.
  77. I have not yet decided which film is my favourite. I liked The Sting, Sideways, Goodbye to Lenin, Ten Days that Shook the World, Chicago, Apocalypses Now and the original Star Wars, Guns of Navarone and World's Fastest Indian.
  78. I used to play with my youngest sister and we pretended we were broadcasters.
  79. I used to be scared of the water. I almost drown when I was a little boy. I can’t swim too well. I enjoy going to the beach.
  80. I don’t dance either – people tell me to seat down.
  81. Berlin is my favourite city, followed by Amsterdam.
  82. I like changing television channels, although I don’t have much time to watch it. I like CSI, ER and used to watch all the popular series.
  83. I wear contact lenses – bad stigmatism.
  84. I love listening to music – I have a good collection of CDs, jazz, salsa, blues, dance, electronic, pop, classical.
  85. I hate to admit this but I enjoyed Abba when I was a teenager. I don’t like Kylie. I like Coldplay, Goldstrapp, Zero 7, Gwen Stefani. I enjoy listening to St Germain in the car and driving in the country. Awesome electronic, contemporary music.
  86. I like seating at a bar with a drink and listening to a jazz band. I like having a good conversation.
  87. I notice if people have new clothes, changed hairstyle.
  88. I avoid trouble at all cost.
  89. I mean what I say.
  90. I like being direct.
  91. I like honesty in people and I don’t like playing games with people. I don’t lie and don’t tolerate people lying to me
  92. Usually I don’t talk about personal things if I don’t know people. I don’t open myself to anyone.
  93. I am very professional. People say I inspire others to excel.
  94. I don’t think I am stubborn (although recently someone described me that way), in any case I am determined.
  95. I know what I like in people and in life in general.
  96. I have a taste for good things in life.
  97. I would not go back and live in Latin America again.
  98. I would like to die at the age of 99, writing the last page of a story to be published.
  99. I have not seen the fairies but when I was 8yo I saw a phantom riding a black Arabic horse in the highlands at midnight. It was very scary!
  100. I would love to live to 100.

And the 101:

I am easily teased. I enjoyed compiling this list. I am fascinated by reading what people write about themselves in their diaries and blogs.

Credits: Em, Vicky and Beki... Gracias chicas, for the encouragement!

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