Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Clandestine illusions whilst running...

This week: 20
Total August: 28 kms

There is nothing more exciting than having the ability to run a good distance and get into the 'zone'. That is precisely what I enjoyed of today's 5 laps around The Tan. Four laps clockwise and one anti-clockwise.

Invariably once you get into the 'zone' you feel drugged, this may not sound too flashy but it is precisely when you have that smile that the other runners crossing your path smile back at you. It is contagious one may say. But what are the thoughts that come to mind when you reach this state? I am sure it varies from runner to runner and from the different mental thresholds people have at times. As for mind there are so different and so disperse that I resolve many things but also there are many things in one's life that there is no point in trying to resolve. Time will tell. This is the beauty of embracing a balanced perspective in life. Sounds simple but it is worth keeping a sanity for the long haul.

I run with Alexis who had a good run even though he still feels a bit unprepared. Gabi was unable to run today after his remarkable performance at the SC Princess Hill 30 kms run. Arie also turned up for a nice walk with Gabi and they ended up going to breakfast to the place ahead of the runners.

There are so many runners now who are preparing for October that we basically saw many of the same faces during our 20 km course today.

Today's run was perhaps slower than what I would prefer but it enabled me to have the illusion and feel transported to feel the thrill of the event in October. I remain hesitant as to where is going to be my starting point.

I will make an appointment to see the phisio again ... Calfs and knees are hurting. I would like to stay free of undesirable injuries at this precise point in time.

Building on illusions is a wonderful pasttime whilst running and helps you defer unholy thoughts of quitting. 'La vida es un sueno' as my great great grand father used to say.
(Life is a dream).

What are your illusions and dreams whilst you run? Mine are certainly varied and diverse, built on the wonderful and optimist side of life.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...