Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

A misty Sunday run along the Yarra (ii)

As a child, I rememer very well seating in the couch at home reading the daily newspaper with stories of conflict, countries torn apart by war. Then I wondered what triggered nations and people of all sort to take up the arm struggle rather tahn political persuasion to solve differences.
Now that I see pictures in the daily news again of Beirut, I think of the conflict in few countries Lebanon, Israel, Korea, Indochina, Nicaragua, El Salvador and South Africa.

War is such an absurdity, really. I yearn for peace.

People should make love not war.

These were my thoughts as I enjoyed today's run and felt delighted living in my Melbourne, my town, my hole.

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