Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

After the letargy...

Okay, let's get things into perspective... I am aiming at achieving certain things - with no fixed date period (oh well, i have an idea but no revealing it), progress so far has been very positive on a number of different fronts. The first one: running has taken a bit of attention. After completing the HM I felt I could not work towards training for the marathon. I am progressively gaining confidence to start training for it. So, this is a big step forward for me. I am learning to focus on the process rather than focussing on the outcome. Big tick!

(Running again Thursday evening. For this Sunday, I am planning of heading for a two-hour run along the beach. It's all about doing kilometres and not focusing on speed. So far one/two punters have confirmed - probably more joining...).

Second thing to put into perspective... cooking... well I have progress on a number of different fronts. I am looking for recipes for a Spring dinner party - focused on indigenous cuisine from pre-hispanic cultures. Interested in trialling combining ingredients with what we can get here in Melbourne. But this is he fun side of things - rather than the long term goal. I must confess that last Sunday I met a friend's neighbour who is in process of starting own food business. We ended up having a very interesting conversation about it. Over recent days have reflected on such discussion and it has given me some positive insights how to move forward. Salsa business! Small tick!

After the letargy of recent times... heading abroad is the next detour in this journey. Third thing into perspective.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...