Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Friday, July 21, 2006

Am I getting mental ... like all those old fart runners?

This week so far I run Sunday (18kms) and Tuesday (12kms). I intended to run on Thursday evening as I have been doing for the past few months but after visiting the physio on Weds I decided it was wise to rest. This morning i thought I would go out for a run but it was too cold and running around the beach is too windy anyway.

Did i hear physio? Yes. I went to the physio for the first time ever. (Thank God for private insurance!) Since I shifted my running from The Tan to Bayside, I have experienced a pain in my knee. It's all okay and it is a question that instead of running same way as previously I have to take into consideration that the surface is somewhat different.

But this is not all, I bought two running magazines today. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat! Runnnin mags? Am I going nuts or what? It's true, I decided to buy for the first time ever two running mags to see what it's there.

This is getting worse... I have been considering that I need to buy another pair of runners to make the running easier. I am currently running with Asics GT2100 and i would not mind getting same or the top of the range. Hang on... the craziness does not finish there, because I like gadgets I have been pondering whether to get a running watch or one of those things that all serious runners wear (HR, pace, distance travelled, GPS, et al). So far I have resisted getting an iPod but I will probably reward myself with one.

Bloody oath! Am I am getting serious with it...? probably, but to a point. There's more to life than the running and trying to have achieve PBs. It's all about the process and the fun involved in it.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...