Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Optimist by Nature

I woke up this morning at 2am to watch the Australia-Brazil match, but my legs were feeling rather weak that it took me 10mins to make it to the TV room. At the end I returned to bed and listened to the radio broadcast - so I did not miss the action entirely.

I see things from the perspective that the glass is half full. Even though my training has been sub optimal I feel happy I managed to run my first half marathon.

In yesterday's posting I observed that I did not enjoy the running as I anticipated, however I have learnt a lot from this experience. From this perspective there has been a huge gain.

I am not a process person, hence I ventured to run HM probably a bit too soon in comparison to the normal sensible person. I am pretty much an outcome oriented person and driven and focused on solutions (if X does not work, Y or may do). It's all in developing scenarios. I know it sounds strange but this is to describe my nature. In reality I need to focus on the process to get to my destination.

Thi is the valuable lesson I am drawing from running that there is a process to follow. I suppose my three challenges (the purpose of this blog) are three tangigle outcomes.

I will return to run tomorrow. Hopefully it will be a nice and gentle run around The Tan.

Lesson #1 - Stretch well.
Lesson #2 - Take time to enjoy the landscape.
Lesson #3 - It's okay to feel down. Regroup; refocus
Lesson #4 - Build progressively... Rome was not built overnight.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...