Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Running Again and Thinking Abstract

I run two laps around The Tan this evening at a relatively easy pace - (~5mins per km). It was a good leg work and it made me feel really good. Initially I thought I could not do it so soon after the HM. I was happy I did not feel any pain.

I run with Mark, a good friend, who has not run a long distance for a while but who is keen to start preparing for a marathon. He felt good about his performance and how he tackled the hill for the second time.

This morning I came across a couple of pictures of mine. One dated December 2004 and the other one taken at the end of May. The earlier picture shows a more fuller face than the other... the only thing I can think of is that the running in recent months has had an impact.

It is somewhat iconoclastic to speak of changing faces when it is all subjective. Talking of that, it makes me wonder what sort of thing I should start focusing if I wish to explore my creative side through painting. I am clearly set in abstract style combined with poetry.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...