Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Running goes on

Ah! ah! ah! A very long time since last post. There have been so many things that have changed but the main thing is that I have continued with, well, despite all other things happening, running. Overall in June I ran for a total of 163 kilometres and so far this month I have managed to run 25 kms in one single session. So I am on schedule to run 30kms by the end of the month.

Initially I wanted to do the Princess Hill run this week end but i have decided against so I can go and for 27kms running along the Coastal Path.

Off to bed now so I can get up early and go for a very early morning run. This morning I was up running at 5.30 am - imagine it was so foggy and a meagre 4degrees but had an enjoyable run with my former neighbour and another runner. We are all training for the MM and HM this October.


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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...