Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Where is March gone to?

Runs since last post:

Monday, 26 March – Princes Park, 10 kms

Tuesday, 27 March - The Tan, 12 kms

This month: 139 kms

March, the third month of the year, is gone. Fold the page. Turn over and another sequence is about to unfold in predicted and unpredicted ways.

Where are the days and weeks of March gone to? I am not nostalgic about them disappearing so far but I am look forward to the days, weeks and months comfortably smoothing into our lives and bringing an array of excitement and new challenges.

Running has continued in the second half of this month although somewhat sporadic. Too many things going on.

Although I notice that this month is somewhat higher in kilometres than the previous one and, possibly higher than ever.

Retirement speech

Yesterday I ended up delivering a speech for a dear colleague who I have known for seventeen years Scary, if you ask me. (Knowing his invaluable skills, five years ago I recruited him to work with me in the department I set up, providing me with the backbone of knowledge management). He decided to take leave following a couple of years of health troubles. Whilst I prepared my speech notes I realised that many of the conversations I had with him greatly helped me to greatly develop my understanding of Australian society and its core values. Indeed there were many of those conversations, which took place at none other than a pub.

This was the first time I had to prepare a retirement speech and yet I am so far many y-e-a-r-s aways from possibly qualifying for retirement.

Australian Art Collector

I better finish this note now because I am dying to sit down and enjoy the latest edition of the Australian Art Collector (Issue 40, April 2007), this is a superb art market magazine, with interesting articles. Curious, check out the website:

Buenas noches!

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...