Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Oh what a feeling... a good run today!

Today: The Tan, 12 kms

Total March (progressive): 117 kms

I am very happy that I did have a very good run today at The Tan. Completed two laps at a very comfortable pace with my Tuesday running buddy and, then I did the last one and the extra bit to make it 12kms in less time than originally planned. Not only that, I tackle the hill for the third time at a very strong pace that it made me feel so good. Oh gosh! I felt so happy when I finished. It feels so good to be able to run and not have to contend with injuries or the idea that things are going so wrong.

I started my run just before seven PM and there were lots of people around. This morning I thought I would have trouble going out for a run because my legs were feeling a bit tired but to my surprise had a very good run tonite. I am not expecting to run now until Friday or Saturday this week. Time permitting I shall do a long runt this Sunday at either The Tan or The Coastal Path.

Continuing on from yesterday's ramblings

I spent an hour early this morning reading press reports from The New York Times that provide good details about how one of the most repressive governments in Guatemala was overthrown following a fraudulent election in 1982 and replaced by yet another repressive government that was so brutal in uprooting indigenous communities in the Guatemalan highlands during a period of 18 months. Not only these press reports provided good details how events unfolded but provided intriguing details that a senior member of the US Ambassy was observing how events unfolded outside the Presidential Palace in Guatemala City.

The original plotters of the coup were outdone by an Army general who unilaterally took control of the country and pushed an agenda of [indigenous] extermination in the name of God.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...