Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Inevitability of change...


I am happy to say that I am beginning tor un more regularly now although I am consolidating runs of around 6-8kms to defer or minimise any potential injury. I shall be able to continue a thrice a week routine, but I envisage I will incorporate cycling to/from work once a week so I stay more physically active.


I just started reading Helen Garner's "Joe Cinque's Consolation". It is an interesting story and one that I think I will have delight in reading. This book was recommended by a South African, who read it with caution but got into the story after five pages of it.

Should I say that during the break I look forward to reading A Lover of Unreason: The Biography of Assia Wevill, written by Yehuda Koren and Eilat Negev? That's the sort of fatal attraction that gets you on your running gear.

Further, I dearly hope I will be reading hundreds and hundreds of pages of material that cover the years of conflict in Guatemala - a country that has not evolved economically and politically as fast as other Latin American countries.

All things considered 2007 promise to be a year of action, a different kind from previous year... there is an inevitability of rightward change.

Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo!

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