Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Running and today's oppressing weather conditions

At 6.30pm this evening, I parked my car in my usual spot (past Government House Drive) in The Tan and I saw Wombat Combat running so furiously... After all, not much has changed around there.

I got changed in a matter of seconds, removing jacket, tie, shirt and pants. Running gear, I started to walk to warm up (not that I needed it - 35 degrees, oppressing weather conditions) and then I started to run.

My running buddy wisely pulled out in the early afternoon. I only decided to run after I left office just 6pm and felt that the run would happen as scheduled.
As I was saying I started to run slowly, being conscious of the shin splint in my left leg, I did not want to do anything silly. I went pass the Pillars and then I enjoyed the section that I call "The Calm before the Storm" because it is just before the Anderson St hill. O boy the hill today was so difficult under the extreme heat... but I persisted, enjoying going down and then continuing along Domain Rd and going past the Shrine. After a month of not running one loses fitness and drive, but one thing for sure, I truly enjoyed running again today. Whilst I was running I realised how much things have changed for me. To start with, now I have an idea what the discipline of running is all about and have the ability to persist rather than quit at the first discomfort.

I completed the first lap and continued to run just enough to say, I have run 5 kilometres today. Gosh.. pace/time, who gives a dumm! I just went out to enjoy myself, which I did.

I walked for a bit and then I stretched for ten minutes. Had my left leg on ice for a while this evening.

That's all folks!

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...