Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Feels like an eternity...

... five minutes walking!

Here we go again... another try this evening at The Tan. I started by walking for five minutes (gosh... sounds like I am an obedient boy - NOT!), then I ran at an easy pace.

Whilst I can say I had a good run, fitness has vanished - gone away. I struggled to complete the second lap and ended up walking a bit. I figured a combination of factors come into play - insufficient sleep, inadequate food intake during the day, humidity... could keep going and making excuses. I am certainly not pressuring myself to regain form.

Certainly going up the Anderson St hill for the first time was harder than the second time, but then again I was warmer.

I completed the second lap by walking... followed by ten minute stretching.

Progress so far so good. It's a question of patience and perseverance to build to mid-distance.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...