Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

I am back... moving on

I am considering a return to running next week with one of my weekly runners. The idea is to go for an easy run and a catch up. Mark and I have run together in the past and the idea is to start building progressively.

The pain in my right leg seems to have gone and I am beginning to start feeling a bit more at ease. For the past few weeks I have tried to reduce any unnecessary pressure or stress to the legs.

I shall indeed build distance progressively and I will follow good and sound advice from those with experience.


Since the Melbourne Cup week-end I have been rather busy and unable to submit a blog report. I lost a three pager document I had about my trip – it was accidentally deleted by a regular user to my laptop! You can imagine my frustration when I was told about this little incident…
My weekend adventure all of a sudden turned to be a story about deinosuchus!

I am in a transitional period after making a number of changes to my activities in recent weeks. The results should start paying off in coming weeks. Hopefully running will be enhanced from such changes.

Ortega and Bush

The success story of Daniel Ortega winning the presidential election in Nicaragua and the change of fortune for George W Bush in the USA are good material for a modern political fable.

Today's edition of The Age had a story about "El Sindicato" - it's all about men doing cooking for life!

Research plan

Yes...! I got a research plan plus have outline for more than one project! Need to borrow two or three people's lives to do everything!

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...