Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Monday, December 04, 2006

Yes, I ventured for a run and no pain today

Yes, there was one lap and a bit around The Tan yesterday evening... Lower leg was not as bad today as I anticipated. As a warm up, I walked for five minutes and then started to run, only to realise that I was going to fast - never mind, I completed my 4kms run as I anticipated, followed by ten minutes of stretching.
This is the critical bit... my leg does not seem to be acheing today unlike two weeks ago, so I feel happy that I am making progress. The bad news is that I have lost so much fitness (agggggggggh!). Never mind, if my recovery continues as planned, by Christmas time I shall be able to enjoy cruising for a nice run, then I shall start building kilometres.

Last infamous words: I will be very strict with stretching.


It is a concoction or sauce. The most common description of mole is that it is a chocolate sauce. This sauce is made out of dried chiles, nuts, seeds, vegetables, spices and chocolate (preferably toasted cacao beans).

As far as i know the word mole is derived from the Aztec "molli". For most of us, mole is the stuff or sauce that we put on enchiladas, meat dishes and so forth.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...