Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Considering 2007...

None yet... but I will start doing progressive stretching and following advice if I wish to continue running: So when it comes to new year's resolutions (what!@?) it will be pretty much a formality...

Recently I thought if I will do a marathon abroad which one I shall attempt to do.
I checked the website that listed the World's Top 10 marathons, and discovered that the London Marathon's registration / lottery is now closed. Then I checked the other ones but these happen much later in 2007, but have found that the Los Angeles happens in early March, which may suit me from a number of different reasons - mainly family.
I have even discovered that there is a marathon near by in February - too soon though. The Buller Marathon happens on February 10.
Let's see what happens in coming weeks. Alternatively, GOR in May 2007 -either as a half or full - is very appealing to me.
For later in the year, there are a few around which are very attractive: Berlin and Paris. Needless to say that doing the Melbourne again is a must.

Research plan
The research plan has not been shelved... time has been very scarce lately.

USA delivery
A package posted in California on 28/11 arrived home yesterday, containing mole and pepian (yummy food) and awesome music...

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...