Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Preparations underway for Saturday

Forget about the running for the time being...

Now it's all about getting things organised for Saturday. Dinner for 26 people. A selection of 6 different tapas and a humangeous paella.

This evening I started preparing fish stock. Got kilos and kilos of fish bones and heads. Cooking litres and litres of stock and hopefully all this will be reduced to just a few cups of juicy stuff.

My legs are a bit sore from this morning's session. So obviously they worked hard. I am also tired from last night and from lack of sleep over previous few nights.

I still need to confirm wines (naturally Spanish wines). I am between a red from Rioja and a tempranillo from Ribera del Duero. The white wine will certainly be a verdejo from Rueda. The sparkling is a surprise...!

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