Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Thinking about Sunday's HM

Total this week: 18 kms
Total for June : 46 kms

AT six am this morning I hit the road. I walked fast for five minutes, then I run (40m) to the beach and back home. I had a nice run although my calfs were hurting a bit. There were so many people out there this morning - many of them were taking their dogs for a walk; I must say it is a bit distracting when you have to zig zag other runners and dogs the whole time.

I was heading north so I was running against the wind so it was a bit hard. I run on concrete and I started to think how to run the half a marathon this Sunday. My overall strategy is
- it's my first ever event so i better absorb and enjoy the experience
- do not get too excited, stay calm do not speed!
- run at a steady pace, it is not a short but a long run - so i better keep my energies evenly distributed but prepared to finish well and happy
- stop to drink water at the stations.

Unfortunately I wont be able to run anymore until this Sunday.

Amazingly I have eating more this week. I have kept alcohol at a low level this week - although i had more two glasses of red wine today.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...