Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Hammy hammy - not so misterious RSI

When you think you had a successful training period, which spanned over several months and taking all sorts of precautions - from ensuring running shoes are the right caliber, optimal running socks, adequate stretching, to wearing skins, etcetera etcetera. Then you decide t go to a routine physio visit to discover that there is an injury, all of a sudden you realise you are just another bloody mortal, illusionist runner. Well, two and a half weeks to go to the Melbourne Marathon I am now realising that all that optimal training has got stuck.

Bloody pain in the right leg. Anti inflam. Think something else to get pain go away.
Swift thoughts
Swear softly gently and loud if necessary
Damm all that stupid RSI
Two weeks to go
Oh mercy

Enough complaining - it's not going to take me anywhere.

Tomorrow morning I am beginning a journey to Sydney with the two boys. Our first stop is going to Euroa, then Mansfield and return to the Hume and stop in Glenrowan. The idea of visiting Kelly's country convinced Sebastian and Felix of the merit of having a slow and easy journey. Our anticipated arrival in Sydney is Sunday so not a bad proposition to make the journey in three days and stopping in different locations. Whilst in Sydney we are going to be in the North Shore and keep our fingers crossed for good weather. Overall ten days of adventure and boys bonding!

This will bring me back on time to the final preparations for the Melbourne Marathon. Keep my fingers crossed that hammy improves. Not longer the expectation of an improved time - just making it to the finish line.

A sympathy tear for Qian - A very sad tragedy masked with media bias and spiced with turmoil and frugality along the investigative chain.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...