Running, cooking, life and anything else that matters And, It's all about me...!

Sunday, May 01, 2011


Even though I have not continued posting as once I was regularly doing, running continues. I am doing it for two primary reasons: overall fitness and for maintaining stress levels down as well as it has a social dimension to it.

Having maintained a blog for some time where I recorded milestones it has become a handy point of reference, particularly one wishes to know how I am progressing now compared to the past.

It is with gusto that I say I have maintained a rhythm even though I have not done as the first marathon. Of late I have been able to do a 10 km beach run in under 45 minutes (March 2011). I have also able to run 25kms in 2h05m along the Yarra Boulevard (March).

I also had a run of 33km in 2h48m at a 5m5s pace along the beach in early April.

So the running is going well.

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It's all about me... pursuing certain goals...